Music NFT? The steps on How to sell Music as an NFT

What exactly are they, and how are NFTs expanding into the music industry? NFT stands for “non-fungible token” or, more simply, a digital collectible bought and sold using cryptocurrency. NFTs can range from art and sound recordings to tickets and more. NFTs generated an impressive $25 billion in overall sales in 2021.

This is an exciting time in the music industry for fans and music artists. Whether you are a major artist with a massive fanbase or an indie artist searching for ways to create revenue for your brand. The NFT Marketplace has taken the music industry by storm. Even the major labels are getting in on the action. Universal just announced that they are launching their own Web 3 Label. There hasn’t been a better time in the music industry for artists, fans, and labels. Especially with music streaming companies like Spotify are paying artists pennies for their streams.

Once you’re inside of your Spotify Artists profile, you’ll see a menu at the top of the screen, and you can use this to navigate to your stream stats. And then you can see how many streams your songs have, and sort by time period, organizing your stream stats from within the last 24 hours, all the way to all-time data.

What is Music NFT and How to sell them?

To answer this question, you must first understand what an NFT actually is? NFTs are Non-Fungible tokens that can represent ownership of a unique item on the blockchain. Non-Fungible is a term used in economics that represents properties that are interchangeable. Still confused? Don’t feel bad only 1 out of 4 Americans actually
understands what an NFT really is according to a poll conducted by Money and Morning Consult.

NFT sales skyrocketed in 2021. From a transaction volume of merely USD $40.69 million in 2018, NFT trading volume surged over $44.2 billion in 2021 and is continually shattering records and reaching new heights. The NFT segment is said to reach a market cap of $80 billion by 2025. In December 2021 alone, NFT transactions worth $4 billion were recorded. Data on the sales of music Nft

WTF is an NFT?

Before continuing, read our article ‘WTF is an NFT‘. This article goes into detail about NFTs as a whole.

Music NFTs is a certificate of ownership on the blockchain for a unique musical work that can’t be duplicated. The owner has the exclusive right to determine how the composition is used.

Selling music as an NFT is an exciting way for artists to monetize their music catalog. In addition, it gives fans a piece of the pie. Fans can become a stockholder of not only an NFT but of the music artist themselves. Imagine receiving dividends in the form of royalties while supporting and listening to your favorite music artist. That sounds fun, right? The company to register with is Opulous. Their business model is truly about rewarding fans. However, at the time of this writing, the service is not open to all artists. You have to register in order to be a part of their community.

Metaverse NFT explained

How to Sell these Unique Musical Digital Tokens?

For an introduction, check out this guide on the 4 steps for artists to make their own NFT. Here is a list of things you need in order to sell Music NFTs:

  1. Digital Wallet
  2. Crypto
  3. Artwork or video with Audio embedded in a file
  4. A Platform to sell your Music Nft.

I won’t go into details about Crypto or digital wallets as they are covered in the above link. For further assistance, you can check out Coinbase Crypto Basics. They have a list of articles to get you started on your journey. Also, whatever platform you choose will give instructions on how to list your NFT on their platform, as well as the Digital Wallets and Crypto you need to do so. Now that you know what you need let’s dive into some of the Platforms that I personally like.

One platform, in particular, that is building a community for all Indie artists to help promote not only their NFTs, but their brand as a whole is Music NFT Market Place created by Thugod Noo LLC. Though racked with potential they are only a little fish in a big pond of Major Key Players.

Best place to sell music nft

Music Nft Marketplace is the best Nft music marketplace online. The music Nft platform on open Sea is a great place to find new music Nft projects

There are a lot of Music Nft Platforms to choose from. Please do your own research and choose what you feel is best. If you come across one that is better than the ones listed below please comment or message me on LinkedIn to let me know.

  1. Open Sea
  2. NFT Showroom
  3. Super Rare
  4. Nifty Gateway
  6. Rarible
  7. Catntalog
  8. Mint Songs
  9. Audius
  10. AirNfts

NFT music royalties:

Music NFT royalties are when NFT holders receive 50% of the streaming royalty rights of the Music artist they support and love. Opulous, who is listed above, is one of the major key players but there are other music NFT platforms that are integrating royalties. This lets fans retain a share in the music copyright through an agreement established with the music artist.

  1. Royalty Exchange
  2. Band Royalty


This is an area that is still new to the music industry and the world. Even industry professionals like myself still don’t fully understand the technology. What I do know is that this is the direction the music industry is headed into and it’s best to embrace it. Please do your own research on this topic before signing up for the platform I listed in this article. If you come across some information that you feel we missed please comment below or email us at
[email protected].

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1 Response

  1. Mike says:

    I love the article it’s amazing