2 Years of Thrive Indie. What comes next?

It’s been two years since Bold Art Design launched Thrive Indie. It’s kind of crazy when I think back on things between then and now. A lot of wins and a hell of a lot of losses. The vision for the blog has gone through so many metamorphoses since the early days. The music industry itself has gone through many transitions. We had no choice but to adapt to it. Starting out we wanted to help artists make money without signing a deal that would take away their intellectual property. As the industry shifted we fought to keep rising artist in tune. Now Thrive Indie doesn’t want to just report and track the changes in the industry. We want to become a force for change ourselves. We see opportunity in the industry not just for artists, but for all those with a passion and love for music. In this memo, I will outline some big things you can expect from Thrive Indie this year as we embark on a new journey.


Thrive Indie: A New Music Industry


We are going to print!… Sort of. Bold Art Design, the company created by our founder Bryant Lloyd will be publishing it’s first ever E-book, Thrive Indie: A New Music Industry. The book which is also authored by Lloyd will be the first published by the company. Bold Art Design seeks to expand their brand presence in 2019. The media company has announced plans to launch several products focusing on music and Tech industries with ‘A New Music Industry’ leading the way.

“We are in the future, and it’s time for everyone to catch up.” 

Bryant Lloyd said recently about his companies upcoming launches.

“The New Music Industry book will be the first and we are all so very excited about it. It’s really been long overdue. We are also releasing several children’s books focusing on STEM and entrepreneurship. We want to influence a generation of leaders, and the kids are indeed our future.”


About the Book


The book will cover most of the changes in this new music industry along with bold predictions about the future.


“The industry is not evolved, its evolving. The industry has not taken on its final form and still has several unanswered questions about its future. In the book, I will provide logical answer to these questions and more.”


The book is set to launch sometime in February.


Thrive Indie on Vu-Me

Thanks to a collaboration with Clicks promotion and Vu-Me, Thrive Indie is in a unique position to launch a web show on a new rising social media platform Vu-Me. The platform allows content creators the space to create online content with unique monetization capabilities. (more on that in another article). Thrive Indie will launch into video content this year with the web series that will cover everything, from emerging tech in the music industry, new artists, industry news and much more. “This is just another necessary step as we look to become an authority figure in the industry. If you’re not doing video then you’re not doing much in today’s time.”


Giving others opportunities


This comes from a need and desire for others to join the team. As Thrive Indie grows we need to add others to the team with a similar passion and drive that we all here have. This year you will see tons of outsourced material from rising and informed industry leaders who also want to make their mark. We want new and fresh ideas as we look to diversify our content and our readership. We want to become a breeding ground for new leaders in the industry. In the future, we want to be able to say that we not only helped artists get their music heard but leaders in the industry get their voices heard. Everyone has a message and in the new music industry, there are no gatekeepers to say what gets heard and what doesn’t. Diverse ideas and perspectives will create better and more useful content, and us at Thrive Indie look to create some of the best content the industry has to offer.


Thank you


The music industry is in for another exciting year of change and evolution. At Thrive Indie we look to separate ourselves and make our mark on the industry this year with bigger and better content. For those who have been there from the beginning, we offer our biggest Thanks. Words cannot express how grateful we are that you have joined us on this journey. For those just now joining us, we hope that you stick around and become apart of the movement!

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