Author: Bryant Lloyd


Brimcess Album Review

Meet The Brimcess Farrahgamo aka ‘The Brimcess’ has been making waves in North Carolina long before she picked up the mic. The Greenville-born stripper turned rapper has a knack for winding up in controversial...

WTF is an NTF

WTF is an NFT

In a breakfast club interview, Jim Jones describes an NFT as a digital baseball card which is probably one of the most accurate, “simplified” descriptions of an NFT you will come across. NFT stands...

Be You: Rollup615 Interview

You won’t find many artists who take their entrepreneurial ventures as seriously as our latest interviewee, Rollup615. The Nashville native is not only a rapper on the rise but a Brand ambassador, chef, and...

King Juelz Interview: Me Vs Me

King Juelz is an artist who has just about everything it takes to go big in the industry as an independent artist. He’s running up thousands of streams a month, has a massive following...